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2. Rini Dhumal.jpg

(1948 - 2021)

Born in Bengal, Rini Dhumal pursued her painting education at M.S. University of Baroda. Her artistic philosophy is deeply rooted in uniqueness, encapsulating her ethos, style, and personal metaphors.


Rini Dhumal's art is an ode to women, serving as her primary muse. Through her work, she explores the multifaceted nature of women, seeking to elevate printmaking to a prominent position in the art industry.


Her exhibition, "Parallel Wings," is a testament to her versatility, featuring 66 artworks that span paintings, sculptures, terracotta, and tapestries. Rini Dhumal's contributions have earned her numerous awards, including the Chancellor's Gold Medal in 1972, the Governor's Gold Medal in 1974, the Government of India Cultural Scholarship, and the French Government Scholarship among others.





Size: 29.5" x 22.5"
Mixed media on handmade paper

Size: 26.25" x 19.25"
Mixed media on handmade paper

Size: 11.5" x 14.5"

Acrylic on reverse acrylic sheet

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